Sunday, September 20, 2009


Scene Coontails

Scene coontails can be considered as an essential aspect of scene hairstyles. As coontails come in various shades, length, and highlights, you have so many options as to how to sport them.

Before sporting scene coontails however, you need to remember a few things such as follows:

• Make sure your coontails are appropriate for the occasion. Although some coontails are quite chic and formal, others are considerably funky and may not be suitable to wear at every occasion.

• Choose coontails that will stand out from the rest of your hair. Use blonde coontails over dark scene hairstyles, red coontails over blonde hair, or even green, blue or purple coontails over blonde or dark hair.

• You may also use two-toned coontails such as blonde with horizontal stripes of blue, green, pink or purple.

• Different colored coontails may also be worn for a funkier effect. You can sport pink, blue and blonde coontails all at once over your dark scene hairstyle; or red, blue and brown over your blonde scene hair.

• Be sure to position your coontails in the most striking and eye-catching place. For a more dramatic effect, embed them carefully in such a way that they blend with your hair very well while being prominent at the same time.

Scene coontails are very attractive and can enhance your overall appearance. But you have to be careful in using them to make their beauty shine naturally.

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