Sunday, September 20, 2009

How to Get Great Scene Hair in Seconds

If you are looking into the idea of following the Scene trend then you may be wondering how to get that funky and colorful hair that the Scene kids seem to have but without all of the hassle of constantly dying it or chopping random bits off.

 Well, the truth be told, permanent bright colors in the hair are not always appropriate, especially if you have a job working with customers or are still at school where the rules may not allow for such extravagant hair.

Scene Hair 2009
There are a few easy ways around this so that you can still have cool Scene hair when you are out of these places however, and it could be simpler that you thought.
First of all, one of the things that a Scene kid cannot be without is a few tubes of hair mascara. This is basically the same as a mascara for the eye lashes but generally comes in bright colors and can be applied to the hair when and if it is desired and then washed out with no hassles.
This can instantly perk up a style to make it funkier and Scene and can also work out cheaper than buying dye kits for the hair every so often.
Another things that Scene kids should not be without is a headband.

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