Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to be a Scene Queen - Hair, Attitude, Money, Cell Phone….
If you are currently following the Scene trend but wish to take things that one step further, then why not take a few tips and become the ultimate Scene Queen? This is basically the hottest of the hot when it comes to being a Scene kid and without the right look and attitude you will never make it so make sure that you sit up and pay attention!

You will need a few things before you can become the ultimate Scene Queen and these are just a few of them:

• Money and the hottest Cell phone, preferably in the brightest color that you can find.

• A Scene wardrobe including skinny jeans, t-shirts with band logos, sweaters in bright neon colors.

• Black eyeliner, usually liquid but if you can perfect the look with pencil then feel free to use this.

• Confidence of the highest level. You must be able to walk into any room with your head held high and basically not give two hoots what anyone there may think.

• A Scene haircut with the latest choppy, blunt, random layers.

• Sunglasses and preferably the biggest ones that you can find, usually worn on the head rather than the eyes.
Once you have managed to get all of these things together then you must perfect the ultimate attitude. As already mentioned you will need confidence but you also need to know the right music, have knowledge of random facts and also be “up” on the list of the hottest Scene Kings. You must also, of course, be dating him!

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