Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to Become a Scene Kid clothes

How to Become a Scene Kid

Boy scene kids are becoming popular and recognizable by posting their pictures on the Internet and friends network and social communities while girl scene kids are usually interested in wearing numerous eyeliners and neon colors.
Scene kids are lively, adorable and nice. They are fun to be with and are usually mistaken to be emo kids. Scene is generally a mixture of emo and preppy and scene kids like to hear rap.

Scene kid girls are seen wearing the following:
1. Flat heels
2. Pale looks
3. Big jewelry
4. Striped Shirts
5. Camouflage and multi colored hair
6. Bangs sweeping over one eye

Scene kid boys are seen wearing the following:
1. Tight Jeans
2. Tight shirts
3. Band shirts
4. Black hair
5. Multi colored streaks
6. Fringes over eyes

A true scene kid shall have hair with insane color and will be found mostly with other scene kids. They are usually seen in tight jeans and light colored shirts and are highly interested in music and rap.

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